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Image by Mason Unrau

The solution? Mycoproteins.

The process of fungi

Adaptable and circular production 

Depending on where your production is located, our technology allows us to produce mycoproteins used for feed close to where both industrial sidestreams and fish farms are situated.

Utilizing industrial sidestreams

We are untapping the potential of different sidestreams and grow fungi in fermentation tanks to produce high-quality dried powder that has great nutritional content and high a protein content. 

Tailored for your needs

seaqure labs. is able to produce different reliable products for your needs, such as mycoprotein drop-in ingredients for both the aquaculture, pet and animal feed industry. 

An ancient technological process

Some of the earliest evidence of intentional fermentation comes from archaeological findings in regions such as the Middle East, China, and Mesopotamia, where fermented beverages like beer and wine were produced. We are taking this ancient process and apply fermentation to fungi instead, using safe strains already consumed by humans.

Image by Solen Feyissa

What is mycoprotein?

These microscopic organisms have immense potential as a sustainable protein source due to their efficient use of resources like water and land, as well as their extremely low carbon footprint compared to traditional livestock farming. By harnessing mycoproteins, we can address the growing demand for protein while mitigating environmental impact, making them a promising solution for sustainable nutrition in the future, fostering a healthier planet and healthier diets for generations to come.

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